Trimps Wikia


Reach zone 425
Reward Permanent bonus to attack, health and helium gain
Goal none
Liquimps don't liquify
Enemies have 1T(1e12)x attack and health
Equipment is 1T(1e12)x more expensive
Every 10 zones, enemy attack and health will increase by another 10x.

"Against your better judgement, travel to a dimension that's simply just not very friendly. Liquimps are unable to liquify, enemies have 1Tx attack and health and equipment is 1Tx more expensive. Every 10 zones, enemy attack and health will increase by another 10x. This challenge issues rewards differently than most other ChallengeĀ²s. You will gain 1% attack and health, and 0.10% Helium for every 1 zone reached. Every 10 zones reached, this bonus will increase by 1% attack and health, and 0.10% Helium."


The second hardest challenge in the game (so far), the dimension is extremely hostile to you and your Trimps.

The following rules are in effect:

  • Enemies have 1T(1e12)x attack and health
  • Equipment is 1T(1e12)x more expensive
  • Liquimps are unable to liquify any world zones
  • Every 10 zones, enemy attack and health will increase by another 10x

Obliterated is a special ChallengeĀ², meaning that reaching a higher zone than previously will grant additional bonuses to attack, health and helium gain, stacking with other ChallengeĀ²s. No helium can be gained by any means while this challenge is active.

Similar to the Scientist challenges, abandoning the challenge will reset the world back to zone 1.


You will be able to earn an achievement for beating the first enemy!

In early Obliterated runs, simply get as far as you can. Perky's "Other CĀ²" preset will suffice.

In later runs, stop at one of 239/255/269/285, and farm metal until you can afford your penultimate set of prestiges. Then respec into combat (7:1 to 50:1) if you started in a different spec, and do BW Raids up to your target zone, using most of your Nurseries, long breed time, and a Health heirloom if needed. Use additional Nurseries to get through late poison zones.


  • Obliterated is one of the two ChallengeĀ² without a Challenge, the other being Eradicated.
  • This ChallengeĀ² was added in patch v4.6.